
FreedomFest! ’24

Freedom (I won’t let you down)
Freedom (I will not give you up)
Freedom (Gotta have some faith in the sound)
You got to give what you take…

–George Michael, “Freedom! ’90”

During the height of the MTV years, singer George Michael released a video for his hit, “Freedom! ’90.” The provocative video featured some of the best-looking humans that ever walked the planet, lip-syncing the lyrics while lounging about a seductively lit industrial apartment. Now, I am unashamed to admit that I love the visuals in this video (after all, I’m nothing if not a red-blooded American male). But I also love the message of the video, because shouting out with reverence in celebration of “freedom” is something we all should do.

Today, I’m going to shout out my own version freedom, and in an homage to the song, I’m calling that version, “FreedomFest! ’24.”

You see, in just two weeks, I will be shouting out in celebration of freedom from the stages of the greatest gathering of free minds, the annual FreedomFest conference, which this year is back to where I think it should be, the mecca of capitalism in action, Las Vegas.

As you may know, FreedomFest is the brainchild of my friends Mark and Jo Ann Skousen, two of the most interesting, most learned and coolest people I know. The intellectual power couple created the annual festival as a place where free-minded liberty lovers like me could come and celebrate freedom in an open-minded environment.

What I love about FreedomFest is that it is independent, non-partisan and not officially affiliated with any organization or think tank. Ponder that for a moment, and then try to think of any other gathering of politically or intellectually oriented individuals that hasn’t descended into a tribalistic orgy of “us versus them.” I don’t think you’ll be able to come up with many examples, but if you do, please let me know so I can attend.

This year, the theme of FreedomFest is “Are We Entering a Brave New World?” a reference to the classic dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley. In preparation for one of the breakout sessions analyzing the novel, I am currently rereading the work. I must say, reading classic literature again in your 50s is a whole different experience than reading it in your 20s, and it’s a pursuit I highly recommend if you want to increase your wisdom.

Your editor re-reading the classic dystopian novel in preparation for FreedomFest! ’24.

Of course, literary discussions are just one of many activities offered up at FreedomFest. In fact, the conference is so packed with all types of presentations, panels, exhibits and films on so many subjects, it’s actually somewhat frustrating to not be able to take it all in. A minor criticism of the conference, I grant you, but a good problem to have for my fellow polymaths.

Here is a link to the complete agenda for FreedomFest! ’24, but just check out some of the activities on offer at this year’s conference:

— Presentations by over 250 top-ranked expert speakers

— Over 10 breakout sessions at a time

— Mainstage events featuring debates, mock trials and keynote speakers

— Anthem Film Festival

— Punching Up Comedy Festival

— Global Financial Summit

— Major think tanks and grassroots organizations

— Over 150 exhibitors at the “Tradeshow for Liberty”

— National and liberty-focused media

— Politicians, candidates and policymakers

— Best-selling authors and book signings

— VIP meet-and-greets

— Yoga and breakfast in the morning

— Live music, dancing, networking, receptions and karaoke at the after-hours events

I’m proud to say I will be one of those “top-ranked expert speakers,” as I’m scheduled to be a judge in this year’s “Pitch Tank,” a takeoff on the popular entrepreneur-focused CNBC show “Shark Tank.” I will also be delivering presentations on my newsletter advisory services, including my talk titled, “The Moral Imperative of Making Money: A Plan for the Decades.”

You see, to me, making money isn’t just a pursuit that allows you to pay the bills or buy a boat or go on vacations. To me, making money via productive achievement is the noblest activity a human can engage in, and the happiness derived from that productive achievement should be the moral purpose of your life.

If you are going to FreedomFest (and you definitely should), here is a link to all of my scheduled activities. In addition to these scheduled events, I will also be at many of the social events held by the conference, including my favorite, the FreedomFest Jam session.

If you do go to the “FreedomFest! ’24,” I ask one thing of you. Come to my sessions, track me down and introduce yourself. Look me in the eye and shake my hand. And please, make it a firm shake, so that I know you’re the type of person who confidently engages in the world. You see, confident people don’t look down, and they never offer up a weak greeting.

FreedomFest! ’24 takes place on July 10-13, 2024, at the Caesars Forum Convention Center, Las Vegas. And because you’re a reader of The Deep Woods, I am able to offer you a very special discount of $50 off the registration price. To take advantage of this special discount, simply go here, or call my friend Hayley Skousen at 855.850.3733, ext. 201. You can also email her at Use the discount code EAGLE50 to get $50 off the registration price. The Deep Woods discount ends on July 1, and the price of a ticket goes up on that date, so now is the time to register.

I hope to see you in Las Vegas, and in the Brave New World of our own making.


The Yellow Snow

And she said, with a tear in her eye
Watch out where the huskies go
And don’t you eat that yellow snow
Watch out where the huskies go
And don’t you eat that yellow snow

–Frank Zappa, “Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow

Sometimes wisdom comes to us in the form of serious prose, and sometimes it comes to us via a funky guitar riff and some quirky lyrics. It’s the latter that applies here with the great Frank Zappa’s song, “Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow.” You see, in life, we have to watch out for all of the things we need to avoid, otherwise we end up tasting something we’d rather not.

Wisdom about money, investing and life can be found anywhere. If you have a good quote that you’d like me to share with your fellow readers, send it to me, along with any comments, questions and suggestions you have about my newsletters, seminars or anything else. Click here to ask Jim.

In the name of the best within us,

Jim Woods

Jim Woods

Jim Woods is a 20-plus-year veteran of the markets with varied experience as a broker, hedge fund trader, financial writer, author and newsletter editor. Jim is the editor of Successful Investing, the Bullseye Stock Trader, and The Deep Woods (formerly the Weekly ETF Report). His books include co-authoring, “Billion Dollar Green: Profit from the Eco Revolution,” and “The Wealth Shield: How to Invest and Protect Your Money from Another Stock Market Crash, Financial Crisis or Global Economic Collapse.” He’s also ghostwritten many books and articles, as well as edited content for some of the investment industry’s biggest luminaries. His articles have appeared on many leading financial websites, including,, Main Street Investor, MarketWatch, Street Authority, Human Events and many others. Jim formerly worked with Investor’s Business Daily founder William J. O’Neil, helping to author training courses in the CANSLIM stock-picking methodology. The independent firm TipRanks rates Jim the No. 3 financial blogger in the world (out of more than 6,000). TipRanks calculates that, since 2012, he's made 361 successful recommendations out of 499 total, earning a success rate of 72% and a +15.3% average return per recommendation. He is known in professional and personal circles as “The Renaissance Man,” because his expertise includes such varied fields as composing and performing music; Western horsemanship, combat marksmanship, martial arts, auto racing and bodybuilding. Jim holds a BA in philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a former U.S. Army paratrooper. A self-described “radical for capitalism,” he celebrates the virtue of making money from his Southern California horse ranch.

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